This heartwarming tale follows Maryam and Mama's preparations for the masjid tea party - and to create a special treat for Cash, the masjid cat.
This book encourages children to strive towards being compassionate and spread kindness around the world.
What's the story?
A wonderful story about a little girl's journey towards learning forgiveness, kindness and mercy written in a simple manner with beautiful illustrations.
Size and quality?
Each book is A4-sized landscape (11.7" x 8.3"), making it ideal for bedtime stories and shared reading sessions. Printed on thick, quality paper.
What age is this book for?
This book encourages children to strive towards being compassionate and spread kindness around the world. This book can be enjoyed by children 5 and above.
What occasion is best to buy it for?
A beautiful gift to share at any time of the year. You can share it with your school, family and friends.